This article will introduce to you, 15 Best Vue pagination libraries, you should know as a Vue developer.

Pagination is used to enhance User Experience(UX) by permitting users to visualize data in smaller chunks, or pages.

1. Vue Paginate

Vue Paginate is a simple Vue plugin, You assign an array of items. specify how many items per page and your list of items paginated!

Vue Paginate requires Vue Version 2, Use npm install vue-paginate --save to set up.


2. Vue Pagination 2

Vue Pagination 2 is a simple, non-intrusive, and generic pagination component. It requires Vue Version 2, CSS, Bootstrap 3 and 4, and/or Bulma. Use npm install vue-pagination-2 to set up.


3. Vue Uib Pagination

This claims to be the best and most complete Pagination plugin, It was inspired by the Angular Bootstrap Pagination. It doesn’t depend on Bootstrap. Use npm install vuejs-uib-pagination to set up.


4. Vuejs Paginate

This provides a simple API, This component comes with an amazing style and you can customize the style by CSS. it was Inspired by react-paginate.


5. Vue Pagination Bootstrap

A server-side pagination component, template based on bootstrap 4, and it requires Vue 2. Use npm install vue-pagination-bootstrap to set up.


6. Laravel Vue Semantic-UI Pagination

A VueJs Pagination component that works with Laravel and Semantic UI. It requires Vuejs version 2, Semantic UI version 2 and Laravel 5. Use npm install laravel-vue-semantic-ui-pagination to set up


7. Vue Paginate Al

A very simple vuejs pagination component. Use npm install –save vue-paginate-al to set up


8. Vue Tiny Pagination

A Vue pagination component for that lets you create tiny pagination using Flexbox. Use pm i -S vue-tiny-pagination to set up.


9. Laravel Vue Pagination

A Vuejs pagination component designed for laravel paginators and supports Bootstrap. It requires Vue.js 2.x, Laravel 5.x and Bootstrap 4. Use npm install laravel-vue-pagination to set up.


10. Vue Lpage

A low-level Vuejs pagination component with a bad UI. You pass it an array of data, the current page index and the desired amount of results per page. Use npm install –save vue-lpage to set up


11. Vpage

A simple pagination bar, including length Menu, i18n support, based on Vue2. Use npm i -S v-page to set up


12. Vue Smart Pagination

A data pagination component that splits any data into pages and has many settings. All data is stored in an array and can have any values. Use npm install vue-smart-pagination --save to set up.


13. Vue Paginatron

Vue Paginatron exposes several scoped-slot props that you can use to get basic pagination functionality, you have complete control over what is rendered. Use npm install vue-paginatron –save to set up


14. Vue Ads Pagination

Vue ads pagination is a vue js pagination component. On the left side, you find some information about the shown items. On the right side, you can select a specific, the first, last, next or previous page. Use npm install vue-ads-pagination –save to set up


15. V Pagy

A Server-side pagination component in Vue, template based on bootstrap. It requires bootstrap 4.x and Vue 2.x



Are you a Vuejs Developer? Enhance your UX by using one of those components.
Leave your thoughts in the comment box below, we would love to hear from you.