Are you looking for Opensource Flutter Applications? Then you are in the right place. In this article, I have listed and discussed the top 20 Opensource Flutter Applications and links to their code. All you need to do is choose one that you like and then click on the “click for more information to get it”. 

1. Weather 

 The main idea behind the weather application, it is constructed to learn on how to utilize animation and canvas in Flutter.  It has the capability of delivering any weather information that is needed in decision-making from any point in the universe.


2. Todo MVC 

 Todo MVC gives a lot of flexibility when making a decision on how to architect and organize your applications. The freedom has a high value therefore, it can lead you to applications that have inconsistent naming schemes, large classes and also missing or mismatching architectures. 


3. Movie Detail Ui 

Opensource Flutter Applications

 This template will help you in creation of a beautiful movie information(details) UI in flutter. You can give a full description of the story line, category I.e. if it’s an action, comedy, animation etc., It allows input of photos and also the photos and names of the actors of the movie. 


4. Dashboard App 

 This dashboard application allows you to track down the items that you are selling that is the views, the revenue that you have generated, show you notifications, It allows you to add items on the item page and has a section where clients can give feedback.


5. Acting Web First APP 

 This starter app main aim is to show how different app functionalities can be constructed and supported in a sound code structure. It contains elements such as 

  • Supporting web, android and iOS. 
  • It separates business logic in providers and models, and UI in a different folder structure. 


6. Feather 

 Feather is a weather application that has a beautiful UX and UI. It can be used for and iOS and Android. Features

  • Has a tailored chart that has animation. 
  • Its background is based on a day cycle. 
  • It electronically picks up the location of the user. 
  • It refreshes automatically after 15 minutes. 


7. Draw application 

 It is a flutter drawing application that gives you the permission to draw onto the canvas, It also has a color picker and a brush thickness slider. Its code is open source and free for utilization 


8. The gorgeous login 

 It is an open source login page that is constructed with flutter. This template allows you to come up with a beautiful login page that is very colorful. 


9. Flutter Cupertino settings 

 Flutter Cupertino settings is a flutter widget that enables you to COME UP WITH iOS settings table (static table view) these settings include brightness, auto brightness and a selection of day mode and night mode.


10. Flutter Music Player 

 It is a music player element for flutter that is Apple Music Spotify etc.   It is ready to be embedded in a music playing application. It allows seeking, as well as having callbacks for shuffling, skipping and looping.


11. Flutter Payment UI 

 It’s a flutter payment application that gives provides you with information about your bank accounts, send and receive money buttons, and the names of people you frequently send money to. It has history part that shows month and categories that shows bills ad money you sent and received.


12. Foodybite 

 Flutter food bite is a flutter representation of a restaurant application UI. You require the following 

  • An operating system i.e. Linux Windows or Mac OS X. 
  • Any IDE that has flutter SDK installed, i.e. Android studio, IntelliJ or VS Code. 
  • You need some knowledge in flutter and dart. 


13. Beautiful Timelines 

 It shows a set of real universe timeline for showcasing the utilization of timeline tile package that is constructed using flutter. It can be utilized to show different times lines i.e. activity timelines, football timeline, success timeline, weather timeline, delivery timeline etc. 


14. Flutter Starter Kit 

 It is a starter kt for beginner learns with RxDart, Fluro, Dio and bloc pattern to design a flutter project. 


  • Block pattern 
  • Restful application user interface called utilizing Dio. 
  • Hero animation. 
  • Database debugging utilizing flutter stet ho it’s applicable on android only. 
  • Localizati9on by the use of Lang table and gen_lang. 

More details

15. Mates 

 It is a sample application on how to carry out implementation of a profile page and friend list n flutter. It can be utilized internally for internal company talks.  It has a profile part where it shows your followers and following. You can have your portfolio and a part where you input your skills. 


16. Flutter Todo 

 It is a to-do application that is constructed using flutter. It helps you do your daily planning by showing you the date and the activity you are supposed to carry out. 


17. Flutter smart washing machine 

 It is a smart washing machine application that allows you to control your washing machine from the comfort of your mobile phone. It allows you to choose different washing modes and also choose the water you want to use.


18. Flutter book application 

 It is a book application that allow you to build a book application user interface. It is a mobile application template that is developed using flutter without forgetting that it is open source.


19. Shope Flutter ecommerce template 

Opensource Flutter Applications

 It is an ecommerce UI kit that helps you save time for front end development. It can be used to build applications for iOS and Android in flutter. Furthermore, it contains all the required resources you need to reutilize the elements which include 38 screens, icons, fonts and icons. 


20. Flutter Card Swipe 

Opensource Flutter Applications

 Coming up with a swipe view that is utilized in tinder. When you swipe right it is considered that you have accepted while swiping on the left as a reject. 



The above are the most awesome open source flutter Applications that you can find on Github and also access their codes through the provided links. You should use them to come applications easily without so much struggle.