Eclipse is an OpenSource IDE and can be used to develop software in any language.

Comparatively, It is one of the most widely adopted ides in the world.

Eclipse is coupled with extensions and plugins for almost everything, since its open-source, you can even develop your own Eclipse plugins.

In this article, I have shared 10 Best Eclipse Plugins.

These Eclipse plugins will make your IDE look cooler and will ease your development.

So let’s get started with the list:

1. CodeMix

As a developer looking at working with Eclipse to unleash their capabilities through advanced plugins and extensions, CodeMix will definitely work for you. 

What you expect to experience is a distinct compound environment that has excellent support for Maven, Java, and Spring.

It includes Angular IDE, JSjet, Live Preview, Terminal+, Slack Integration, Navigation and more.

webclipse nodejs ide


  • Full support for Angular Development.
  • Full support for modern JavaScript (including ES6) and TypeScript Development with jsJet
  • Powerful Debugger for JavaScript & TypeScript.
  • Instant Preview OF application using Codelive
  • Easy & Enhanced Navigation
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2. Devstyle

A Modern and intuitive Eclipse plugin that enhances your Eclipse IDE development Experience, You get the darkest dark theme with a bunch of other features.


  • Theming with support for Custom Icons
  • startup experience
  • Inline search
  • Breadcrumb navigation
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3. Spring Tools

Spring Tools is the next generation of Spring tooling for your favorite coding environment. Largely rebuilt from scratch, it provides world-class support for developing Spring-Boot-based enterprise applications


  • Smart Code Editing
  • Runtime Information In Your Editor
  • Navigation
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4. SonarLint

SonarLint is an Eclipse plugin that provides on-the-fly feedback to developers on new bugs and quality issues injected into Python. SonarLint is a free, open-source, and available in the Eclipse Marketplace.



  • support of the box: Java, JavaScript, PHP, and Python.
  • Connected Mode adds more language support.
  • Automatic  analysis support
  • SonarLint console allows seeing logs of the analysis.
  • You can bind Eclipse projects to a SonarQube project.
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5. Vaadin

Vaadin is an open-source Java UI library for creating rich web user interfaces.

Eclipse plugins

Using its component based API developers can create stunning web applications in plain Java.

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6. PyDev

PyDev is a plugin that enables Eclipse to be used as a Python IDE.

pydev eclipse python

It uses advanced type inference techniques that allow it to provide things such as code completion and code analysis, besides providing a debugger, interactive console, refactoring, tokens browser, Django integration, etc.

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7. EGit

EGit is the Git integration for Eclipse. Git is a distributed versioning system, which means every developer has a full copy of all history of every revision of the code, making queries against the history very fast and versatile.

The EGit project is implementing Eclipse tooling on top of the JGit Java implementation of Git.

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8. WindowBuilder

WindowBuilder is composed of SWT Designer and Swing Designer and makes it very easy to create Java GUI applications without spending a lot of time writing code.

Eclipse plugins

You can use the WYSIWYG visual designer and layout tools to create simple forms to complex windows; the Java code will be generated for you.

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9. DBeaver

DBeaver is a free universal SQL client/database tool for developers and database administrators. It can work with any database server which has a JDBC driver.

It supports pluggable extensions. Version 3.x has special extensions for MySQL, Oracle, DB2, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, Sybase, Exasol, Informix, Teradata, Vertica, Netezza, Phoenix, Firebird, Derby, H2, WMI, Cassandra, MongoDB, Redis.

dbeaver Eclipse plugins


  • Database metadata browser.
  • SQL statements/scripts execution, SQL highlighting & autocompletion.
  • Transactions management & database search.
  • Easily set/table view/edit/search, BLOB/CLOB.
  • Opensource project.
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10. JRebel for Eclipse

JRebel is a productivity tool that allows developers to reload code changes instantly. It skips the rebuild, restart, and redeploy cycle common in Java development.

JRebel enables developers to get more done in the same amount of time and stay in the flow while coding.

JRebel supports a majority of real-world enterprise java stacks and is easy to install into existing development environments. you need a commercial license to use Jebel.

jrebel Eclipse plugins


  • Real-time change visibility
  • Streamlined development process
  • Maintains application state
  • Reduces unexpected overtime and unbudgeted expenses.
  • Works with all Java applications. Desktop, web, services, and enterprise.
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From the above list which is but a tip of the Eclipse Plugins iceberg, you can get a feel of how rich, diverse and powerful Eclipse Ide Ecosystem is.

Maybe your favorite Eclipse Plugin is not listed here and you do not want to switch from your favorite Eclipse plugin now.

But Picking best Eclipse Plugins for greatest efficiency and experience ought to be the main need for any programmer out there.