Certainly, anyone just getting to become familiar with Java language actually needs to on one or two projects so that the individual can have full knowledge and experience about the language. So, therefore, we have made it our responsibility to gather some really nice Java project ideas for beginners in this article. That is to say, the project ideas to be discussed here will give you opportunities for some practical implementation. Furthermore, this will indirectly improve your learning skill in Java programming language.

Any beginner is allowed to use these projects but it will be a good idea for students to pick any one of them for colleges and universities project submissions because it’s a good suggestion. So stay connected as we give you some thoughts on how to improve yourself in Java programming language.

1. Image Compression and Decompression

In short, this project talks about its emphasis on the essence of document management and transmission system in relation to continuous-tone images. In addition, this idea is about using Gaussian derivatives to find other ways of representing images instead of relying only on JPEG and DCT. JPEG simply stands for Joint Photographic Experts Group while DCT, on the other hand, represents Discrete Cosine Transformation.


  • All things being equal, this approach is very likely to be faster and better than DCT in terms of compression/decompression technique
  • Your device must be on Windows XP and get tools like Net beans or Eclipse installed
  • Also, your device must have a processor of 600MHz+ and a RAM (SD/DDR) of about 256MB

2. Marine Operations and Management System

This is a web application that controls every detail about marine operations. Furthermore, in this our modern-day life, we don’t need to still be doing things manually. Computerization is so helpful in streamlining activities and information flow. That is to say, this project is a good idea for saving stress and time while we manage marine operations digitally.


  • Beginners will need JAVA / J2EE / MS.NET to have a chance of performing this project
  • A Pentium device or PC with at least 256MB of RAM will suffice as a hardware

3. Twitter Client For Android Based Smart Phone

In short, this project is all about building an Android client for Twitter. Furthermore, the idea behind this project is to allow users to do any normal twitter activities from the Android client. For instance, activities like signing up and logging in to twitter from the client, viewing followers, posting a tweet, etc.


  • To sum up, beginners will most importantly need Google Android, Java, Eclipse, ADT-0.9.5, JDK 6, SQLite and Android SDK 2.1

4. Barcode Generation

Barcode Generation is all about making use of dot net technologies through the implementation of several kinds of algorithms to generate Barcode library.

Java Projects
Velmurugan Velayutham – WordPress.com
Barcode Generator in Java | Velmurugan Velayutham


  • Firstly, your PC must be on the Windows 2000/XP operating system and you have to know about Java 2(EJB2.0, JDBC, JSP, Servlet, Java Mail)
  • Browser programs like Internet Explorer or Mozilla fireworks are supported
  • Your PC processor must be equivalent to Pentium III or AMD Athlone XP
  • A RAM of about 128MB and Hard disk of about 20gb will be enough
  • In conclusion, the above requirements are not the only ones needed but there are still some few other things left

5. Vehicle Investigation System in JSP

By simply taking on this particular project, you will definitely know how to use registration number date to find stolen vehicles. Furthermore, this project idea is all about registering vehicles.

21 Java Projects Ideas for beginners
Project abstracts
Vehicle Investigation System in JSP | ProjectAbstracts.com …


  • This project depends on registered vehicles details if it’s to be used for searching for stolen vehicles
  • Anyone can easily forget their vehicle registration number but this project can be handy in recovering such information
  • An individual going to get a second-hand vehicle can easily use this to access the status of the vehicle

6. Human Resource Database Management System in Java

This project is all about developing a software that stores and manages every data required for describing Human Resource Management System and framework within an establishment.


  • It defines every level of hierarchy in an organization
  • Furthermore, it also looks into the salary structure in this hierarchy
  • It also puts into consideration the description of all the departments performing well in the organization
  • In conclusion, it employs database which deals with the integration of elements in all that we have mentioned above.

7. Speech To Text Conversion through the use of Java API

In short, this project is all about speech recognition. Systems concerned with speech recognition enables our computers to be able to every user speech and decipher every detail in the speech.


  • The project here is making a Speech Recognition work
  • To sum up, Speech Recognition has to deal with the conversion of spoken input into digital output. In other words, converting a speech to text

8. Simple Car Sales System in JAVA

Beginners can take up this Java project because it gives them the opportunity to develop an application program. In addition, this application program will help in reducing the manual work put to manage, for example, Car Models, Car Sales, Car Details, etc.

21 Java Projects Ideas for beginners
Simple Car Sales System in Java


  • This project helps in providing searching facilities which are dependent on some key factors relating to cars
  • It helps in improving the efficiency of supervising several Car Models
  • It also helps in improving Sales

9. Subnet Calculator in J2ME

Have you thought of a subnet calculator for a mobile phone before? This project here looks in that direction. To sum up, this project is all about creating a Java 2 Micro Edition subnet calculator midlet for a mobile phone.

Devel Blog: SubnetCalculator JM2E


  • It is simply the making of a subnet calculator

10. Pagination Using Servlet and JSP

In short, this project is just a simple web application that makes use of Servlet and JavaScript.

21 Java Projects Ideas for beginners
Java Servlet pagination – divide content into pages with Java Servlet


  • You will need a browser that works perfectly with JavaScript

11. Simple Search Engines in Java Servlets

To sum up, this project is all about using Java Servlets to build a simple search engine.

Simple Search Engines in Java Servlets

Features: Installation Instruction

  • Firstly, unzip the downloaded file into any directory
  • Beginners are to make a database on their MySQL Server
  • The next thing is to execute every query from source.txt file
  • You are to make a compilation on search.java file and have the Servlet installed on your web server
  • Lastly, your program is ready to be tested

12. Simple Chat Program in Java

This simple chat program consists of Client and Server. In addition, it consists of the Server and Chat parts.

A Simple Chat Application in Java


  • Both parts (the Server and Chat) have an executable file represented in the dist folder
  • You are to execute the Server part first before running Clients

13. Weather Report Application in Java

Beginners taking up this project will have an idea about creating a Java web application for giving weather reports for several regions.

Project abstracts
Weather Report Application in JAVA (Software Project …


  • It is simply about developing a Java weather report web application

14. Library Management Project System in Java

This project is based on creating a web-based address book for managing the address of every user.

Desire Tech Solutions
Download Online Address Book In Java with Source Code


  • Important details, for example, class, .jsp, .js and image files are found in the zip file
  • This also project supervises every activity of a user. That is to say, it will be very difficult to bypass verification when trying to open a new page

15. Telephone Billing System Project in Java Source Code

This project has to deal with creating simple codes for telephone billing system.

21 Java Projects Ideas for beginners
Free Download Telephone Billing System Project in Java with Source …


  • In short, this project is simply a web application that allows customers to pay bills through the use of this portal
  • Key information like java, .jsp and image files are contained in the zip file

16. Simple Java Search Engine

The idea behind this project is to create a simple search engine. In addition, it will be able to operate by searching the web using three search engines and enlists 25 best links.

Project abstracts
Simple JAVA Search Engine | ProjectAbstracts.com – Projects Ideas …


  • It’s advised you make use of a ranking algorithm in order to enhance better results to users
  • This project is a very good tool for surfing the internet for any information you need

17. Email Application

This project will teach you how to code with simple email operations, for example, setting the mailbox capacity, setting the alternate email, changing the password, and many more.


  • This project will also put you through in generating random passwords through the use of Math.random function
  • You will also be taught how to utilize OOPs concepts, for instance, encapsulation

18. School Management System

The idea behind this project is to bring about the implementation of a money management system for schools. In addition, it is restricted to just that so it won’t be considering school attendance, timetable, etc.

School Management system project in java with source code and …


  • You will be taught how to implement OOPs concepts
  • Beginners will also be implementing simple concepts of collections in Java

19. Pong Game in Java

This Pong game is simply a Graphics User Interface (GUI) based classical tennis game. In addition, it’s certainly a good idea for beginners to take up this project for enhancing their skills in developing java applications that are GUI based.

Java – Simple Pong Game – YouTube


  • This project simply make use of simple Multithreading concepts, Swing concepts, and OOPs concepts
  • As a beginner, you can actually build this game by adding more functionalities in making it work better

20. Snake Game in Java

The idea behind this project is the creation of the classical snake game in Java. Beginners will definitely not spend too much time in making this program happen.

21 Java Projects Ideas for beginners
Snake Game in Java


  • The implementation of java Swing concepts and OOPs concepts will be done here
  • Unlike the classical explained above, the score of the state game will be displayed after the might have been completed

21. ATM Interface in Java

This project is simply a console dependent application and it comes in five different types. For example, it includes account holder, account, bank transaction, bank, and specific ATM of the bank.

Java Projects
How to Create an Advanced ATM System in Java Net Beans -Full Tutorial


  • Likely applications to be carried out in this project includes, for instance, withdraw, display transactions history, deposit, transfer and quit


As you can see there are nice easy projects in Java you can lay your hands-on while you continue improving to become a professional programmer in Java programming language. The examples explained in this article are the best project for you as a beginner trying to figure out Java.