HTML5 is the current standard for the Hypertext Markup Language, which is a language mainly used to define the structure and content of pages on the Internet and create web applications. You can think of HTML as the foundation of a web page while CSS, which is a style sheet language, works with that structure to define how web pages should be presented.

HTML5 Tips and Tricks

The specification for HTML5 was finalized in 2014, with improvements to the language providing support for contemporary multimedia in addition to application programming interfaces (APIs) which are used to build complex web applications.

In 2020, HTML5 enters its sixth year since its official designation by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) as a stable recommendation for marking up web pages. Here are some of the most relevant HTML5 tips and tricks you should learn for 2020.

1. Creating Animations with the Canvas Element

The new canvas element introduced in HTML5 is gaining traction across many websites as webmasters look to alternative methods for making their content shine. Using a combination of the canvas element and some JavaScript programming, you can create beautiful animations right from the web browser without the need for Flash.

With human attention spans now at their shortest ever recorded duration, visual enhancements like well-designed animations can really draw people’s attention to web pages and keep them there. This tutorial gives you a basic overview on creating animations with HTML5 canvas.

2. HTML5 360 Degree Product Viewer

A really useful feature made possible in HTML5 is the ability to create 360-degree product views. The world of e-Commerce is as competitive as it has ever been, and potential buyers are more discerning than ever when choosing products.

Providing a 360-degree product view using the HTML5 canvas element, CSS, and JavaScript can let you showcase your high-quality products right from your e-Commerce store.

3. Use HTML5 Video

The video element is one of the main game-changers in HTML5 because it enables webmasters to define videos to be played right from the web browser without any need to use Flash or other plugins. Browsers now come with a default HTML5 video player that includes basic options for defining the appearance and functionality of the player.

While the video element has proven incredibly useful, it is still limited in terms of functionality and branding. The latest trend in HTML5 video is to take that video element and create dedicated HTML5 video players with premium features. Examples of HTML5 video players with extended functionalities and more styling choices include JWPlayer and Cloudinary Video Player.

4. Add Voice Recognition to Web Pages

Thanks to the release of a speech recognition API in HTML5, it is now possible for webmasters to include functionality that enables visitors to browse their websites using only voice commands. The voice recognition API gives JavaScript access to a browser’s audio, enabling it to be converted to text if the audio stream is decipherable as such.

At present Chrome is the browser that fully supports the use of HTML5 speech recognition. However, Chrome has a 63.3 percent web browser share, meaning the implementation of this capability on a website would reach the majority of visitors. Speech recognition is a compelling option for websites looking to improve accessibility for a wider range of visitors.

5. Replace Cookies With HTML5 Local Storage

HTML5 facilitates the use of local data storage within user web browsers. Local storage is a better alternative to cookies because it is more secure and it enables more data to be stored than cookies.

Cookies help to improve browsing experience on particular websites by storing passwords and providing customized pages. Using local storage in HTML5, you can set parameters for the storage duration of specific data to either one session or with no expiration date. Because the data is stored locally, website performance is not disrupted.  

6. Capture Relevant Visitor Information with HTML5 Geolocation

The geolocation API in HTML5 identifies a user’s location upon granting of that permission by the user. There are several important use cases for HTML5 geolocation that users could potentially benefit from, including:

  • Accurate real-time public transport information
  • Taxi apps that can locate users even if the user doesn’t know where they are
  • Accurate shipping cost estimates using precise user locations
  • Large websites providing content localization such as cultural or language differences based on user location

7. Add Subtitles With the Track Element

Many companies are diversifying their content marketing efforts through the use of videos, webinars, and podcasts. With HTML5, it is possible to add accompanying captions or subtitles to videos that can help clarify what speakers are saying, which is particularly helpful for accents that might be difficult to understand for non-native speakers.

You can add subtitles with the track element, which is a child element placed within audio or video elements.

8. Omit The Type Tag For Links

When using the link tag to define a link between your web page and an external resource such as a CSS style sheet, you formerly had to add a type attribute to specify the type of link in previous HTML versions.

However, in HTML5, CSS stylesheets are implied in the rel=”stylesheet” part of your code so there is no need to add the extra code. This small change might not mean much in the grand scheme of things but it can make your code more compact.


The implementation of the HTML5 specification has led to rapid progress in web development. Web applications are more complex than ever, with a greater range of functions, while web pages now perform better, are structured better, and look better than they did just ten or fifteen years ago. Use the tips here during 2019 to get the most out of HTML5’s features.