NodeJs is a CrossPlatfrom, Javascript runtime environment that executes javascript outside the browser.
The advent of Nodejs has provided javascript with a lot of superpowers.
It was created In 2009 by Ryan Dahl has increasingly grown a lot of popularity as many front end developers want to go full-stack without having to learn a new language with its own bunch of tools
If you are a Nodejs developer and you are looking for a couple of Nodejs OpenSource Projects you could contribute to, learn from or take a few ideas. This article is specifically for you.
Let’s take a look at some cool stuff that has been built with Nodejs.
1. Zenbot

Zenbot is a command-line cryptocurrency trading bot using Node.js and MongoDB. It has features like technical analysis and supports crypto platforms like Binance. Zenbot is an experimental project and allows contributions.
2. ExpressCart

ExpressCart is a fully functional shopping cart built in Node.js (Express, MongoDB) with Stripe, PayPal,, Adyen and Instore payments
3. Javascript Drones

Built with React Hooks and Node.js and UDP4 sockets for communicating with a drone by Wes Bos. This is an active project and is open to contributions.
4.Yet another one of the Nodejs OpenSource Projects, Vynchronize is a real-time online video synchronization platform. You can enjoy any video available online with friends who may not be next to you!
Vynchronize currently supports YouTube, Daily Motion, Vimeo, and essentially any .mp4/.webm on the internet with the HTML5 Player!
5. Hackathon Starter
A boilerplate for Node.js web applications. It is designed to help you scale hackathons faster. If you find it helpful, Star it and Contribute if possible.
6. ndb

ndb is an improved debugging experience for Node.js, enabled by Chrome DevTools. It has amazing features like Child processes are detected and attached and you can also place breakpoints before the modules are required.
7. Puppeteer

Puppeteer is a Node library which provides a high-level API to control Chrome or Chromium over the DevTools Protocol. Puppeteer runs headless by default, but can be configured to run full (non-headless) Chrome or Chromium.
8. Isomorphic-Git
Isomorphic Git is a pure JavaScript implementation of git that works in node and browser environments (including WebWorkers and ServiceWorkers). This means it can be used to read and write to git repositories, as well as fetch from and push to git remotes like Github.
9. Emma Cli

Emma Cli is a command-line assistant which helps you search and install packages more efficiently from your CLI.
Features: Peek definitions, Scroll infinitely, Build the stack, Discover starters for your next project.
10.Move an async function into its own thread. A simplified single-function version of workerize, offering the same performance as direct Worker usage.
11. Pandora
As a consequence of years of experiences on enterprise Node.js applications management, Midway team from Alibaba open-sourced Pandora.js finally. It is an application manager integrates many capabilities like monitoring, debugging, resiliency. You are more than welcome to use it, as well as build your operation infrastructure upon it.
12. Objection.js

Objection.js is an ORM for Node.js that aims to stay out of your way and make it as easy as possible to use the full power of SQL and the underlying database engine while still making the common stuff easy and enjoyable.
13. Hygen

Hygen can be used to supercharge your workflow with Redux, React Native, Express and more, by allowing you to avoid manual work and generate, add, inject and perform custom operations on your codebase.
14. Dumper.js
Dumper.js is a better and pretty variable inspector for your Node.js applications.
15. Wiki.js
A modern, lightweight and powerful wiki app built on NodeJS. You can make donations to their patreon if you enjoy the tool.
16. Clinic.js

An Open Source Node.js performance profiling suite by NearForm.
17. Snyk
Snyk helps you find known vulnerabilities by running snyk test on a project either as a one-off or as part of your CI process.
18. AsyncOptics

AsyncOptics is an asynchronous code viewer, performance monitor, and package monitor for Node.js and MongoDB applications. It is able to track and monitor asynchronous processes with Node.js.
19. Axios

Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js, It makes XMLHttpRequests from the browser, http requests from node.js, Intercept request and response, and transform request and response data
20. Carlo

Carlo provides Node applications with Google Chrome rendering capabilities, communicates with the locally-installed browser instance using the Puppeteer project, and implements a remote call infrastructure for communication between Node and the browser.
21. GOT
Human-friendly and powerful HTTP request library for Node.js, It’s almost API compatible with the browser fetch
NodeJs is a big thing and We can’t cover every Nodejs OpenSource Projects around it, We would appreciate it if you tell us what you think about those projects, share the ones you know with us and even the ones you build, A lot of persons would be happy to contribute. Trust Me.