Java is an object-oriented programming language that is popular and used by millions of programmers around the world. For new programmers who made up their minds that, come what may, they are learning java and so far not sure which are the best Java books to get started with, I will advise for free.
Don’t get confused about choosing your books to study when I am here to give you informed advice based on opinions of other renowned programmers.
Starting on the wrong foot is costly, beware! But rest assured that you miss a concept from one book, chances are that you will get a clear explanation from another one, I still advise you to shop for these best Java books wisely!
1. Head First Java by Kathy Sierra and Bert Bates.
This book gives clear explanations with visual diagrams and schemes. If your eyes are picture-oriented be sure you will enjoy reading this book. Getting started with this book you will conceptualize with OOP using the real-world objects. The book is rich with examples to help you memorize every step you are taking in reading the book. Although it may take you sometime before you become a hardcore coder, at least the book enhances your understanding of all the building blocks and concepts you actually need before you switch gears.
2. Beginning Programming with Java for Dummies by Barry Burd
This book by Barry explains to you main terms in JAVA OOP that are fundamental to Java coding arena. Step-by-step, the book introduces you to install JAVA, how to compile the code, how to compile and utilize GUIs with a practical approach. At the end of your reading, plain as it is, you will discover the simplicity Java.
3. Java programming basics for absolute beginners by Nathan Clark.
This book is suited for readers without experience in coding. The book will take you through step-by-step basic of java. You get to familiarize yourself with the Java development environment and choose the best idea to code with. You will learn simple example codes before you get deeper into more advanced examples.
4. Java: A Beginners Guide by Herbert Schildt
This book requires learners to have a bit of Java concepts before reading. It aims to sharpen your coding skills and understanding advanced features of java like data type objects, classes lambda expressions and maybe the functional interfaces. You will be excited to self-test your skills using experiences at the end of each chapter. Happy coding!
5. Core Java Volume 1- Fundamentals by Cay s. Horstmann.
Esteemed Java programmer, reads this book because it covers every chapter in detail, beginning from introduction to the core java fundamentals. It covers large collections and generics you need in real programming.
6. Think Java: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist by Allen Downey and Chris Mayfield.
It is a book for complete beginners, it will teach you how to think in code. A reference book with each chapter enriched with vocabulary and exercise sections for you to master the programming skills. Get yourself a copy of this book if you like simplicity and fun in the reading.
7. Effective Java by Joshua Bloch.
This book is more of an advanced level of java. The expertise in which is written portrays a seasoned senior Java professional. It is suitable for Java programmers who are seeking to deepen their knowledge base in everything java. Each chapter has a lot of practical activities and the latest trends in Java.
8. Java: the complete reference by Herbert Schildt.
You can start learning Java with this book from scratch. Rich with real-world examples to motivate you to grow from being greenhorn to a middle-level Java programmer. It is generous enough to have covered Java programmer. It is generous enough to have covered Java and APIs and explains concepts beyond. You’ve made the right decision to put this copy on your wishlist or considering in your reading list for 2019.
9. Java 8 in Action. By Gabriel Urmia Mario fusco& Alan Myroft
This book is easy to understand if you have some Java background with you. It is a book with a practical approach and covers full features of java & get yourself a copy and your hands on the code
10. Thinking in Java by Bruce Eckel.
This book developed a better approach to learning java fundamentals. It mainly focuses on java language design and their behavior with detailed explanations. The first 200 pages of this book focus on preparing a soft ground for landing to the new programmers while the rest of the book focuses on in-depth java
11.Learning Java by building android games.
Learn Java and android from scratch by bounding six existing games by john Horton.
If you over dreamt of becoming a mobile app developer, this is the right book for you to study. Follow along from easy steps in the beginner and grow along as the difficulty increases, in the end, you are a pro in game development challenge.
12. Head First learn to code Erick free man.
This book is for general programming concepts in Java and other languages. Get to know the key concept of programming in any language.
13. Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile software craftsmanship by Robert C. martin
As a beginner, you are totally focused on writing code that is accurate and free, but this by Robert C. martin takes you step-by-step into the practice of writing clean code in a style conventionally acceptable & readable. It is a good book for the beginners and intermediate programmers. Furthermore, it has good examples & advice on clean code
14. Code: The hidden language of computer hardware and software by Charles petzol
This book is a good book for every programmer as it covers everything you need to know, from hardware to software essentials
15. Cracking the coding interview by Gayle Leak man McDowell.
This book is for Java programmers who are keen to land a job as a Java developer by demystifying the necessary steps for you to prepare for an interview. It includes sampled questions common in Java developer’s interviews and their related solutions.
16. Java Concurrency in Practice by Brian Goetz, Tim Peierls, Joshua Bloch, Joseph Bowbeer, David Holmes and Doug Lea.
It is one of the best ever programming material book of the century to understand concurrency and multi-threading. Even though it could be strenuous to comprehend these two topics, they are still relevant.
17. Test-Driven: TDD and Acceptance TDD for Java Development by Lasse Koskela.
It is an excellent book for writing automation testing programs. A handy book for Java developers whose priorities are code quality, unit integration codes and automation tests.
18. Sams Teach Yourself Java in 21 days by Rogers Cadenhead.
This is a crash book that will alleviate your Java skills faster with simple examples proceed gradually to more difficult examples as you internalize Java coding.
There are many books that have been written for studying Java. Others are purely meant to aid seasoned programmers whereas others are meant for toddler beginners to advanced levels. Whatever stage of Java programming you are in, there is a book suitable for you. Choose a book that will go along with your skill level. Good luck and happy reading!