React datepicker is a necessary and often most used react component that allows the user to select a date easily without having to know the format that the input expects, the user just needs to provide the date following a simple UI. There are a lot of datepicker components available for React, In this article, I have shared 5 best React datepicker component to ease your react app development
1. React dates
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An easily internationalizable, accessible, mobile-friendly datepicker library for the web. React date provides a handful of components for your use. If you supply essential props to each component, you’ll get a full featured interactive date picker. With additional optional props, you can customize the look and feel of the inputs, calendar, etc.
2. React Infinite Calendar
[gitrepo author=”clauderic” repo=”react-infinite-calendar”] Github stats
React Infinite Calendar supports Infinite scroll, Localization, Year selection, Keyboard support, Events and callbacks. this react datepicker component is Flexible, Extensible , Customizeable & Mobile-friendly
View on Github3. React-day-picker
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React-day-picker is a Flexible date picker component for React. Highly customizable, localizable, with ARIA support, no external dependencies & 9KB gzipped.
View on Github4.React Date Picker
[gitrepo author=”Hacker0x01″ repo=”react-datepicker”] Github stats
React DatePicker is a simple and reusable Datepicker component for React. You’ll need to install React, PropTypes, and Moment.js separately since those dependencies aren’t included in the package.
View on Github5. React Calendar
[gitrepo author=”freiksenet” repo=”react-calendar”] Github stats
React Calendar is not just calendar component, but a modular toolkit for building everything related to calendars in React, such as Datepickers.
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