A framework can be very helpful for developers to write applications without having to handle such low-level details. but a perfect choice can depend on a developer specific needs, preferences, and skill level. Every framework is good to do something and probably bad to do something else. also read 5 Best Javascript Frameworks to learn in 2017.
That being said, let’s highlight 5 Best JavaScript Frameworks for Mobile App Development and take a bird’s eye view of how each one of them can ease your mobile app development
Angular Framework
1 –Angular is now more than ever considered a framework. The tool that the Angular team gave us is a complete solution. This is the opposite of React (which is just a library for rendering a component), but here we are able to create whole applications without using any third-party solutions.Angular has been recently rated as the second-most-wanted framework behind Node.js in a recent Stack Overflow survey of developers. also read Getting Started with Angular 4- what’s new ?
Visit siteReact native
2 –React native is a framework which is built on React JS. It is a powerful javascript library used for building dynamic user interfaces. React Native allows the users to build native Android and iOS apps in JavaScript, without actually requiring them to learn Java or Objective-C programming languages.
Visit siteJquery Mobile
3 –Jquery mobile is a great HTML5 framework, Instead of writing unique applications for each mobile device or OS, the jQuery mobile framework allows you to design a single highly-branded responsive website or application that will work on all popular smartphone, tablet, and desktop platforms. Users are capable of downloading jQuery either in the latest stable version or a custom download.
Visit sitePhoneGap
4 –Phonegap is an android development framework sponsored by Adobe and Apache. The PhoneGap developer application enables you to see changes in real Time. PhoneGap is a cross-platform application which supports HTML5, CSS and JavaScript development. With PhoneGap, you have access to the robust library of plugins to fully extend the capabilities of your hybrid mobile applications.
Visit site5 – Meteor
Meteor is not just a JavaScript library such as jQuery or AngularJS. It’s a full-stack solution that contains frontend libraries, a Node.js-based server, and a command-line tool. All this together lets us write large-scale web applications in JavaScript, on both the server and client, using a consistent API. Meteor makes it easy for us to build web applications quickly and takes care of the boring processes such as file linking, minifying and concatenating of files.
With Meteor, we never have to link files with the <script>
in HTML. Meteor’s command-line tool automatically collects JavaScript or CSS files in our application’s folder and links them in the fileindex.html
,Projects . which is served to clients on initial page load. This makes structuring our code in separate files as easy as creating them. you can Learn MeteorJS By Building 10 Projects.