3 – Laravel Shopping Cart Package
aravel Facade and Service Provider for Moltin\Cart
To use, simply install the package via Composer and then add the following to your app/config/app.php to the service providers array:
Then add to the aliases array the following:
'Cart' => 'Moltin\Cart\Facade',
You should then be good to go and be able to access the cart using the following static interface:
// Format array of required info for item to be added to basket...
$items = array(
'id' => 1,
'name' => 'Juicy Picnic Hamper',
'price' => 120.00,
'quantity' => 1
// Make the insert...
// Let's see what we have have in there...
Config settings (Optional)
Publish the config file with php artisan vendor:publish
return array(
'storage' => 'session', //session, cache
// Cache
// Laravel documentation for more information
'cache_prefix' => 'moltin_cart_',
'cache_expire' => '-1', //in minutes, -1 permanent caching
// Identifier
// With a requestcookie (choose for storage: cache, the session will be expired), the cart could be reloaded from a http request, example: the customer could save his cart link (email, hyperlink) and reopen this later.
// If there is no request, the cookie will be loaded.
'identifier' => 'cookie', //cookie, requestcookie
//Request Cookie
'requestid' => 'CartID', //http input request identifier, example: your customer/backoffice could reload the cart in your shop controller, /public/shop?CartID=871f0bc18ca76e68bf7c3adf8f9426ef