Developed by GitHub, the highly customizable environment and ease of installation of new packages have turned Atom into the IDE of choice for a lot of people. Atom is a text editor that’s modern, approachable, yet hackable to the core—a tool you can customize it’s themes to do anything but also use productively without ever touching a config file.
That being said, let’s highlight 10 best Atom themes so you can change the appearance according to your preferred style.
1. Atom material UI

A dynamic UI theme for Atom that follows Google’s Material Design Guidelines. Atom Material UI supports different accent colors. To change it, go to Settings > Themes and click the cog icon next to the theme selector.
You’ll find the color picker there.
Download now2. Seti UI

A dark-colored UI theme for Atom with custom file icons. It’s a dark interface theme crafted especially for Atom, with subtle colors that are meant to be easy on the eyes. It includes custom file icons and new user configurable settings.
Seti now has 8 theme colors to choose from:
Latest Version updated Seti UI with a cleaner, more streamlined interface, a slightly tweaked color scheme, additional icons and new user settings, as well as a handful of other small ui improvements and a refactored code base.
Download now3. City Lights Syntax Theme

The City Lights Syntax Theme is a gorgeous dark syntax theme designed with the focus in mind. City Lights Syntax Theme has many custom made visual aids to help you code faster and more accurate. Over eight of the most popular coding languages are currently supported.
Download now
A dark syntax theme for Atom that uses Google’s Material Design color palette. Atom material syntax theme Inspired by Mattia Astorino’s SublimeText theme.
Download now5. city lights UI

The City Lights UI Theme is a beautiful dark matte Atom UI theme that is designed with a developer’s focus in mind. you can enrich your Atom setup with an optimized Search & Replace toolbar, prettier error messages and many interface icons custom designed for the City Lights UI Theme.
6. Monokai theme

Monokai theme brings mokai dark style to the Atom, A monokai syntax theme for Atom ported from the TextMate theme using the TextMate bundle converter.
Download now7. Styri

A Modern, colorful and intuitive syntax theme for Atom. this theme is the perfect choice if you want to try something new in your favorite text editor Atom
Download now8. Jackhammer Syntax

One of the best Atom themes. Jack Hammer is a Dark and Bright Syntax Theme for the atom. Jack Hammer syntax is highly configurable which help you to change appearance according to your style.
Download now9. Autumn-highlighter-syntax theme

A fork of the electron-highlighter-syntax theme based on One Dark with an autumn-like color scheme.
Download now10. Atom-eclipse-syntax

A syntax theme for the atom that will bring Eclipse IDE experience to your favorite text editor Atom
Download nowConclusion
With Many choices available i tried to list 10 best Atom themes because at last best should be your choice. You can surely use any Atom themes as per your preference, but the best choice will facilitate your work a lot.