Django, written in Python programming language, is an open-source web framework. It is actually free for all to you. The aim of introducing Django is for making the creation of a sophisticated, database-driven website look much easy to perform.
Features that make Django stand out are the reusability and “pluggability” of its components. This web framework helps developers to save time during software development as they won’t have to write plenty of code.
Platforms like Instagram, Mozilla, Public Broadcasting Service, etc. are the common users of Django. Does any Integrated Development Environment support Django? This article will do justice in answering this important question surrounding this Python-based web framework.
Any nice and great IDE for Python will definitely work for Django. We will be looking at some of these 15 Best Django IDE and editors here.
1. PyCharm
PyCharm is a cross-platform Integrated Development Environment that was created by Jet Brains. It’s one of the best Django IDE for any project that has to do with Python language. Developers love it because of how it assists and helps them save time during development.
- It integrates well with IPython Notebook, python console, and scientific stack
- It comes with nice features that help improve and complete project development
- Cross-platform
- It comes with smart code editor and code navigation
Spyder is a very powerful Integrated Development Environment. Many individuals today know it because of how it has been famously used in developing projects related to Python language.
- Open Source
- Cross-platform
- It is highly extensible
3. PyDev
PyDev is an open-source, cross-platform Integrated Development Environment. It is widely known for refactoring of python code, debugging in the graphical pattern, analysis of code and many more.
- It integrates well with Django
- Some important features of PyDev are type hinting, refactoring, debugging, and code analysis, etc.
- It also supports auto code completion
For any project that has to do with Python, Idle is an Integrated Development Environment you can also trust because it is one of the best for Python programming.
- Simple and easy to use
- Cross-platform
- Open Source
- It supports dialog boxes, browsers, and editable configurations, etc.
5. Wing
Wing is another strong and powerful Integrated Development Environment you can always consider laying your hands-on for projects that have something similar to Python language. It is not an open-source software, although it comes with a 30-day trial you have to pay to fully enjoy its amazing features.
- It supports operating systems like WINDOWS, LINUX, MAC OS, etc.
- It comes with a reliable debugger and an intelligent editor
- It is highly customizable and extensible
6. Eric Python
Eric is not just a strong Integrated Development Environment, it is fully rich in nice (amazing) features. It is an IDE that is very popular among professional developers.
- Open Source
- Cross-platform
- It is highly extensible
7. Rodeo
Rodeo is a great Integrated Development Environment. It is an IDE you can put your money on for development that has to do with Python programming language.
- Open Source
- Cross-platform
- Lightweight
- Highly customizable
8. Thonny
For anyone that is just understanding the basics and concepts about Python language will definitely find this Integrated Development Environment very needful and helpful. The Graphical User Interface of Thonny looks very simple and neat.
- Open Source
- Simple and Easy to use
- If supports operating systems like macOS, Linux, Windows, etc.
- User-friendly
9. AWS Cloud9
AWS Cloud9 is an Integrated Development Environment that is cloud-based. Aside from using the IDE for operations that have to do with Python, it also supports languages like JavaScript and PHP.
- It doesn’t require any installation as everything is online
- It is a good IDE for writing, debugging and running projects
10. Komodo IDE
Komodo IDE is a great Integrated Development Environment that supports many programming languages. Python developers also find this IDE very useful and supportive.
- It supports Windows and Linux operating systems
- It’s highly customizable and extensible
11. Codenvy
Codenvy is also a very nice development tool for projects that are concerned with Python language. It doesn’t stop there, it can also be used for many languages like Java, JavaScript, PHP, Ruby, etc.
- Open Source
- It supports auto code completion
- It comes with a nice debugger
12. KDevelop
KDevelop is a very nice open-source Integrated Development Environment. It is free for all to use. It supports languages like Python and other common great programming languages like QML/JavaScript, PHP, C/C++, etc.
- Quick code navigation
- Smart highlighting
- It is highly extensible
- Its User Interface looks easy to customize
13. Anjuta
Anjuta is both an Integrated Development Environment and a Software Development Studio. It is very good for handling Python projects. The multi-language development tool got a very flexible user interface.
- Simple and Easy to use
- Highly customizable and extensible
14. Visual Studio Code
VS Code was developed by Microsoft. It is an Integrated Development Environment that supports many programming languages. It is a very common development tool among modern-day developers. It works supports operating systems like Windows, Linux, macOS, etc.
- It is highly customizable and extensible
- Lightweight
- Cross-platform
- Open Source
15. Atom-IDE
Atom IDE supports the common operating systems like Windows, Linux, and macOS. It is widely known for its wide functionalities. Atom is a very nice development tool that supports Python-related projects.
- Cross-platform
- It resembles VS Code in terms of functionality
- It is highly customizable
The listed Django IDE and editors we have thoroughly explained in this article work well with the Python-based web framework Django). The IDE you have chosen depends on your choice, aim, and goals.