
Crud command:

php artisan crud:generate Person "name:string, email:string, phone:integer, message:text" --layout "main"

Others command (optional):

For controller generator:

php artisan crud:controller PersonController --crud-name="Person"

For model generator:

php artisan crud:model Person --fillable="['name', 'email', 'message']"

For migration generator:

php artisan crud:migration Person --schema="name:string, email:string, phone:integer, message:text"

For view generator:

php artisan crud:view Person "name:string, email:string, phone:integer, message:text" --layout "main"

By default, the generator will attempt to append the crud route to your routes.php file. If you don’t want the route added, you can use the option --route=no.

After creating all resources run migrate command (and, if necessary, include the route for your crud as well).

php artisan migrate

If you chose not to add the crud route in automatically (see above), you will need to include the route manually.

Route::resource('person', 'PersonController');



thats ‘it you can now create crud directly with a command from commnad line :)