May Be there is some diffrence ;)

1 .Genuine fast, we should examine what’s distinctive. Hold up, hold up, too long of a rundown, we should discuss what continued through to the end:

2 .despite everything you utilize HTML formats with Angular2 sentence structure on top of it for extra usefulness
there are still two-path ties regardless of what you’ve been told

3 .mandates exist (yet in an alternate structure)

4 .administrations are still there (yet nothing else… well, sort of)

5 .AngularJS still has its very own DI however you can go around it on the off chance that you please.

There are a lot of things that changed, obviously. One of the biggest changes was slimming down the API. There are no more “providers” and “factories”, etc. Everything is just either Injectable (a class that can be DIed) or not. There is also no scope, everything is attached to your component class. There are no controllers. And everything is much faster.

note Actually, there are still factories and other types of services as I understand it but they’re low-level and should be used only in very specific instances. Think of them in terms of “private” (or Angular 2 internal) implementations. For all intents and purposes, you can forget about them.

In angularjs 1.x, the routing was designed to handle a few simple cases. As the framework grew, more features were added to it. angularjs 2.0 includes the following basic routing features, but will still be able to extend:

  • JSON route configuration
  • Optional convention over configuration
  • Static, parameterized, and splat route patterns
  • URL resolver
  • Query string
  • Push state or hash change
  • Navigation model
  • Document title updates
  • 404 route handling
  • Location service
  • History manipulation
  • Child router
  • Screen activate:
    • canActivate
    • activate
    • deactivate