The proper pieces of software allow programmers to encode more efficient codes in a quicker way. We were thinking of what Visual Studio Code Extensions, packages, themes, and plugins front end programmers that is definitely a must-have.
Here is the result of the survey that we did on them on the top VScode Extensions that they use on their day to day task as a programmer:
Debugger for chrome
1.This VS code extension transforms debugging into a much greater and satisfying experience. This extension provides you with all of those debugging needs that are created using the VS Code.
Javascript (ES6) Code Snippets
2.A lot of people do love snippet extensions and I also consider that typing similar codes from time to time is not required. These extensions supply you with snippets for (ES6) JavaScript code.
And one last thing, if you are not utilizing ES6 JavaScript features then probably this the perfect time to innovate!
3.Have you ever cross your mind that you are coding in a more efficient manner? Want consistent formatting all over your codes? Then this is the perfect time for you! This is one of the best VS code extensions out there because it can be optimized to auto-format your code. This is also perfectly optimized to show you the errors/warnings that you have accumulated while coding.
Live server
4.Exhausted in the tremendous use of code editor? Transfer to Live Server because you can refresh it to view the updates every time automatically. It will also execute your app on a localhost server. It’s a great help for the reason that there are some things you can only test when executing your app from a server.
Bracket Pair Colorizer
5.Brackets are the greatest agony in a programmer’s career. With a tremendous amount of nested code, it gets not feasible to know which brackets correspond with each other. This is a vs code extension that matches the colors of your brackets to transform your code into an easy-to-read transcript.
Auto Rename Tag
6.For changing the name of an element in HyperText Markup Language this is probably the crème of the crop among VS code extension to utilize. This is suitable for altering the name of both tags which makes it likely to simultaneously change its name at the same time.
7.This VS code extension is amazing for trying out some JavaScript code. People tend to execute the console in Chrome and place some code right there, however, there were many cons of it. This VS code extension provides you a JavaScript testing workpad. By using this you can try out your codes with the use of your preferred editor.
Path Intellisense
8.If you are having difficulties with the different names of directories and the specific file names especially when you are currently doing a large project? Then this VS code extension is definitely a lifesaver as it will give you an intellisense feature. When you encode for a directory in quotations, you will acquire the directories and file names in a much faster manner.
Project Manager
9.Transferring projects from time to time can be really stressful and we need to search in the file explorer from time to time to look for the project on my computer. But it all became different when Project Manager was created.
This extension will serve you extra options for your projects. You have the privilege to transfer among your projects from time to time, save favorites or auto-detect projects, and many more to provide you with a much satisfying coding experience.
By having this VS code extension you are assured that your projects will become more organized which will surely give you better results.
Editor Config
10.It has a lot of coding styles that are well-known in the world of Visual Studio development. You have the privilege to save a config file in your repository.
It is very user-friendly and works spectacularly on team projects.
Sublime Text Keymap
11.This VS code extension will give you the ease of switching to Visual Studio, it can alter all of the shortcuts to go with those of Sublime which makes coding hassle-free.
It is definitely worth giving a shot because it will surely improve your coding skills.
Browser Preview
12.This extension is definitely the crème of the crop when it comes to ease of use. It will give you a real-time reloading preview beside your VS Code. You do not have to click the tab from time to time see updates.
Git Lens
13.A massive number of git extensions are available, but this one is probably the most amazing because it is equipped with a ton of features.
You will have the ability to acquire blame information, line and file history, commit searching, and so much more.
If you are finding a way to enhancing your Git workflow then this extension is the perfect suit that you must consider in doing your projects.
14.If you are aware of the amazing screenshots you see in articles and tweets? It has a high chance that it is from Polacode. It is very user-friendly that is why you will not have a hard time using it.
You will just replicate a piece of code to your clipboard, execute the extension, but the code there, and voila you can now save your image!
15.Right now, we have this privilege of having freedom from the tremendous amount of time of formatting our codes. A while ago, we have discussed that ESLint which has the feature of formatting and linting. If you have no plan to use linting, then you can actually consider this VS code extension.
It is hassle-free to set up and can be optimized according to your formatted code.
With this, you have the privilege of not to become anxious about formatting again!
Better Comments
16.Having different color codes on your comment is always a great idea because it makes everything readable and organized. A lot of programmers utilized this VS code extension on their projects because it is convenient.
You can also put up your personalized color codes for questions, highlights, and alerts!
Git Link
17.This extension gives you the privilege to view a file that you are currently doing in Github.
This VS code extension is suitable for knowing the history, branch update, and etc.
VS Code Icons
18.With this VS code extension, you will have the capacity to modify the icons on your VS code.
You can actually select from the given icons installed or you can also install the latest icon pack. By using this will result in a magnificent-looking set of icon packs that is used by a tremendous number of programmers.
Settings Sync
19.There are a lot of programmers that exert a lot of effort in modifying the dev environment that they are using. This extension will save your preferences in Github which will save you a lot of time and effort in the modification.
Better Align
20.If you are meticulous when it comes to the alignment of your codes then there is no better than using a Better Align extension.
In this extension, you can align various variable declarations, comments, chunks of code and many more. This will surely increase your productivity because better readability leads to higher efficiency!
That was a long journey! We hope that you have now an idea of what Visual Studio Code Extensions to use depends on your needs and preference.