In this article, i have shared 5 best OpenSource Angular 5 projects , The Angular 5 centered on making the framework faster, smaller, and easier to use. you can learn a lot from these projects.
1. Ideas Logging App
Ideas Logging App in Angular and the Ionic Framework, more like a note-taking app dedicated to only logging your ideas and prioritizing them. it is built latest version of Angular – v5, Angular IDE, and the Ionic Framework – v3 to build this app.
Fireblog is a blog built using Angular 5, Angular universal and Firebase in a 2 part series. Fireblog allows easy creation and publishing of blog posts. A normal Angular application executes in the browser, rendering pages in the DOM in response to user actions.
3. Angular authentication system
This is an authentication system in Angular using Google’s Cloud Firestore. Most of the application we build require some kind of Authentication and the simplest and fastest way to get started with that is by using the Firestore. Firestore is a flexible, scalable database for mobile, web and server development.
4. Youtube searcher app
This project demonstrates the power of an Observable with Angular, we will create a sample project, querying the YouTube API.
5. SB Admin Dashboard
SB Admin is one of the best open source project created in Angular 5. Sb Admin Dashboard App is built using Angular 5 and Bootstrap 4.
This project Provides fast, reliable and extensible starter for the development of Angular projects.
You Can Create More Awesome Apps Like These
Most of examples in this article were created using Angular IDE. The Angular IDE by Webclipse is built specifically for Angular 2+. It is simple for beginners; powerful for experts. It is Available as a stand-alone IDE, as part of their Eclipse plugin suite, Webclipse, or part of their robust, Full Stack IDE, MyEclipse 2017
This IDE supports advanced editing of TypeScript 2.0 which improves your development effectively. Some cool features of Angular IDE are Listed Below.
- Real-time validation and display of errors as you type code.
- Auto-completion of code across your project.
- Syntax-aware source colouring and occurrence highlighting.
- Block and full-file formatting with advanced settings.
- Integrated support for TypeScript debugging
- Built first for tsconfig.json management.