If your hosting has ceased to meet the needs of a web resource, if the site goes down during peak traffic and freezes because of low speed, it’s time to move it from a shared virtual hosting to a virtual private server.

It is interesting to know: VPS is an excellent solution for websites that are steadily increasing the daily number of users and gaining popularity among search engine robots.
Along with all the features of the Virtual Private/Dedicated Server, which include high power, a good amount of RAM, excellent performance, the tenant has to administer the site. Although it is better to consider this as a profitable bonus, because VPS is an example of flexibility of settings and configurations.
The new owner of a virtual private server can choose software and useful applications themself, additional security features become available to them for installation and expansion. With all the advantages of a virtual private server, keep in mind that the new owner will have to optimize the software independently.
Important: Reliable providers provide their virtual private Debian servers with full root access. This means that the user gets the reins of power – full control over the virtual machine.
Do not be afraid that this task may not be up to you. We suggest using the example of Debian OS to familiarize yourself with a simple instruction that will tell you how to select and install software to start and run a web server smoothly. And if you want to know even more, here is a link.
What is Debian?
Debian is one of the most popular operating systems today. Application programs have been developed for it, providing excellent performance with low resource consumption. The Linux kernel was used for Debian. But optimization programs were created within GNU, so the full name is often indicated in specialized journals as Debian GNU/Linux.
Debian is not just a convenient operating system. As already mentioned, over 25 thousand sets of software have been developed for it. The formation of packages makes it easy to install auxiliary programs on a virtual private server. You can download packages from the official application repositories (Stable, Oldstable) recommended by the developer. The repository is connected to Debian via the terminal.
Important: In the official Debian repositories, you can find a huge number of free programs and applications. Along with this, you can always turn to paid software, which also remains available for download and installation from repositories, but after paying for the purchase.
Debian GNU/Linux boasts an unprecedented duration of support – up to 10 years. Therefore, it is often chosen by site owners, for whom stability and the ability to connect additional services are in the first place.
Useful to know: Debian is highly valued for its highest stability and simplicity. It is very important that the operating system is capable of running on most personal computers. This is its special feature. Each update builds on previous architectures.
Notably, Debian VPS hosting also supports WordPress, multimedia website applications, and e-commerce. It is easily used to work with the most popular programming languages – PHP, RoR, Perl, and Python.
How do I configure Debian to load a website?
After paying for hosting services, the tenant receives a virtual private server with the Debian Linux operating system installed. Settings and administration can be done independently or entrusted to a specialist of the provider’s technical department.
If you have a competent specialist on staff, you can assign them to install Debian on a VPS. We will tell you how to do this. There are two options. In the first case, you need to download an ISO image and a special script. The second case suggests simpler actions, so we will take a closer look at this one.
- Stage one, preparatory. First, you need to install the operating system. The algorithm should be clarified with the provider’s technical support since different hosters have different conditions. Next, you need to download Linux Rescue via the boot menu. Select “iPXE”, type “R” and press “Enter”.
- Stage two, connection. To log in to the installed system, the user needs to connect to the server. Use SSH protocol or log in via root in the VNC panel. Initiate the start of the Debian installation on the VPS.
- Stage three, configuration settings. Before installing the operating system, select the version. The basic offer may include Debian 8, 9, 10, 11, and other Unix systems (CentOS, Ubuntu, etc.). The user will also be prompted to change the configurations if desired. If you haven’t had time to figure out all the details or are doing such manipulations for the first time, leave the default settings.
It is interesting to know: Most major providers, when transferring a virtual private server to a tenant, offer it with the option of choosing the Debian version. The site owner can only choose the desired configuration. And if you don’t see the desired option on the list, you can always ask for it from the provider’s technical support.
- Stage four, the completion of configuration. When all the basic settings are completed, the user needs to confirm the deletion of old files from the virtual machine. After the “Debian installation is complete” notification, the server must be restarted. Reboot is started by entering the command “reboot”. This manipulation ensures that you exit Rescue and start working with a new operating system.
When the server with the reinstalled operating system is ready to work, you can start transferring the site and installing the software necessary for the good operation of the web resource.
Important: Do not forget, in addition to utility programs, to download software for backup and ensuring the security of the site.
It is possible to do everything correctly only if you have some experience and knowledge. If you do not have such an employee on your staff, entrust the setup and administration of a virtual private server with Debian Linux to the provider’s technical department. By the way, reliable providers offer different pricing plans. And some of them provide for the administration of VPS by the hoster’s specialists.