
TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript which primarily provides optional static typing, classes and interfaces . TypeScript interfaces allow you to declare custom types that will be used in your application. Interfaces help prevent compile-time errors caused by using objects of the wrong types in your application.

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TypeScript supports types. This allows the TypeScript compiler to help you find and fix lots of errors during development before even running the app

The generated JavaScript code is easy to read, and it looks like hand-written code.

TypeScript follows the ECMAScript 6 and 7 specifications and adds to them types, interfaces, decorators, class member variables (fields), generics, and the keywords public and private. Future releases of TypeScript will support the missing ES6 features and implement the features of ES7 (see the TypeScript “Roadmap” on GitHub at https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/wiki/Roadmap

Great IDE support is one of TypeScript’s main advantages .

In the TypeScript playground, you enter TypeScript code on the left, and its JavaScript version is displayed on the right. Click the Run button to execute the transpiled  code (open the browser’s Developer Tools to see the console output produced by your code, if any).

Interactive tools will suffice for learning the language’s syntax, but for real-world development, you’ll need to use the right tooling to be productive. You may decide to use an IDE or a text editor, but having the TypeScript compiler installed locally is a must for development.


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ECMAScript is a standard for client-side scripting languages.

The ECMAScript standard is implemented in several languages, and the most popular implementation is JavaScript.

All web browsers do not fully support the ES6 specification.

ES6 introduces a new syntax for working with string literals, which can contain embedded expressions. This feature is known as string interpolation.

JavaScript is basically ECMAScript at its core but builds upon it. Languages such as ActionScript, JavaScript, JScript all use ECMAScript as its core.

you can and should develop in ES6 today and use a transpiler like Traceur (https://github.com/google/traceur-compiler) or Babel (https://babeljs.io) to turn the ES6 code into an ES5 version supported by all web browsers.

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we can write applications in ECMAScript (ES6 & ES5), but Typescript is better then ECMAScript in the productive method for writing JavaScript.

what’s next?

Now you can start learning programming languages.  Here is the best-backend development course you should start learning with. best of luck 🙂

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