Launching your own business from scratch is a significant undertaking, requiring a lot of hard work, preparation, time, money, and passion – to put it lightly!
With so much invested in your new enterprise, you will want to give your fledgling venture every possible chance of success, to make sure that all of your hard graft doesn’t go to waste.

That’s where graphic design comes in. Graphic design is an essential part of marketing your new business and can help your brand-new venture attract customers, boost sales, and compete against your rivals.
In other words, a compelling graphic design strategy will help to put your business on the map. After all, just think of McDonald’s iconic golden arches or Nike’s simple but effective flick.
These globally renowned logos were the highly lucrative results of graphic designers – and look at the impact they’ve made!
But how exactly does it all work? How can you tap into the power of compelling visuals, and what kinds of graphic design tools and techniques can you take advantage of to make a great first impression on your target audience and give your enterprise every chance of flourishing?
Read on, and you’ll soon find out!
The Power Of An Eye-Catching Logo
As you already know from the example of Mcdonald’s and Nike mentioned above – not to mention other global brands like Apple, KFC, Ferrari, and Ralph Lauren – a great logo is a key ingredient in any highly effective marketing strategy.
After all, your logo is a condensed representation of your business and the values it strives to embody. More than that, a logo is a key visual that jumps out at people from newspapers, billboards, and supermarket shelves, helping your products to stand out from the crowd.
Consequently, it’s worth your while to invest in a skilled and experienced graphic designer to help you come up with a simple but effective logo that perfectly sums up your business and its mission.
Of course, this task is easier said than done. Those iconic golden arches weren’t dreamed up during a lunch hour, after all, despite their inherent simplicity. So, with so much to say with a single image, what are the essential qualities that every great logo should possess?
The answer to this question is, of course, the aforementioned simplicity. Your logo should also be instantly memorable, it should be entirely unique, and it should be relevant to your niche. Think of Instagram’s colorful camera logo, which perfectly sums up what Instagram is all about.
Using these vital ingredients, the graphic designer you hire should be able to design a series of logo ideas for you to consider – and the one that best embodies the qualities detailed above should be a huge help in taking your fledgling business to new heights.
Use Graphic Design To Create A Sleek And Stylish Business Website
Research has revealed that human beings are highly visual creatures; our brains process images at a dramatically faster rate than text. As a result, if you have created a website for your new business and it mainly consists of chunky blocks of text, you’re not likely to hold the attention of potential customers.
This is where graphic design can make another sizeable contribution to boosting your new brand’s appeal.
By introducing brand-relevant imagery and designs to every page of your website – especially the homepage – you’ll find that your site becomes much more interesting to its visitors.
Among the images you use, don’t be shy to include pictures of you and any team members you may have. It’s always a good idea to put a human face to a business, to help your target audience connect with you on a more meaningful level and build trust, a crucial ingredient for developing customer loyalty.
To help create a truly stand-out website, it’s a good idea to ask a professional graphic design team for help, as well as a professional photographer for any team snaps.
To make sure you have plenty of materials to draw on for your marketing campaigns as well as your site, you can ask your newly hired graphic designers to create a sizeable number of images, designs, and motifs for your website. Any that you don’t use right away can be stored on your work laptop for safekeeping.
While you may worry that all of these high-resolution images and graphics will take up too much space on your hard drive, the good news is you can easily condense them down using the help of a handy PDF compress service such as Smallpdf.
Their PDF compressor can shrink down even the bulkiest of files to a much more manageable size. After all, it’s a good idea to have as much material as possible for your marketing campaigns, even if not all of it can be used right away.
You never know when a particular image, design, or secondary logo may come in handy!
Alluring Packaging That Perfectly Promotes Your Products
Once you’ve got the ideal logo for your new venture, it’s time to think about how graphic design can be used to make your packaging really stand out.
Of course, your logo will be a central feature of your packaging, but you also need to think about other elements as well – like the color scheme you choose, and any other imagery that might best represent your product and your brand. The graphic design choices you make in this respect can have a significant influence on who buys your products and why.
That’s right, there’s so much more to packaging than merely providing a protective coating for your products! Packaging is arguably one of the most crucial aspects of the purchasing experience, helping customers to choose between different versions of the same item so they can find the one that appeals the most to their individual tastes.
To give your products the best chance of making a favorable first impression, think about using these graphic design elements in your packaging design:
- Prominent name and logo.
- Images or designs that help to represent your business and its aesthetic and values. For instance, if you specialise in eco-friendly products, then nature-themed imagery will work best; even something as simple as a leaf or flower will help browsing shoppers understand what kind of product you’re offering.
- Appealing colours. The palette you choose for your packaging will depend, again, on the type of product you’re selling – and your target market. For instance, men tend to prefer blue-coloured packaging, while younger shoppers prefer bright, jazzy hues such as pink.
As well as these essential features, your product packaging should also include other must-have elements, including a description of the product, any health and safety warnings, instructions for usage, and your contact info.
Include Graphics In Your Email Marketing
While advertising your products and promotions on social media is convenient, far-reaching – and low-cost! – way for new businesses to advertise, email marketing remains highly effective in its own right.
Of course, you have to make sure you’re structuring your email campaigns as attractively as possible, to result in those all-important conversions and boost your ROI. One of the best ways to do this is with the help of graphic design.
As we’ve already seen, people are more likely to be attracted to compelling imagery rather than text, so including photographs, logos, and eye-catching color schemes in your marketing emails can really help them stand out in your customers’ inboxes. Just make sure that all of the graphic design materials you use are consistent with your branding so far, to really cement your new company’s image in your consumers’ eyes.
Summing Up
While all of the world’s biggest brands have used graphic design to spectacular effect to boost their business, even the smallest and newest of companies can harness the power of graphics to make a big splash.
In other words, with the help of carefully designed logos, designs, and images, you can use graphic design to promote your new venture and help it to blossom into a thriving enterprise in the coming months and years.