Pattern recognition projects uses machine learning to recognize patterns such as images, text, and speech. It can help to predict patterns for example in Forex trading. In this article, we look at the top 20 pattern recognition projects you can work on.

Ta Lib

This is a wrapper built with Python for TA-Lib. TA-Lib is a market analysis tool that is primarily used by developers who create trading software. It uses Numpy and Cython to seamlessly wrap TA-Lib.

 Click here for more details.

Easy Tensorflow

Do you want to learn Tensorflow? Well, why not use this pattern recognition project. It comes with comprehensive tutorials ensuring you are well-equipped with the basics. You’ll also love how simple the code is.

 Click here for more details.

Papers Literature MI DI RI Ai

If you want crucial information on machine learning, artificial intelligence, deep learning, and game theory, this project got you sorted. It has some of the most sort after papers in these fields.

 Click here for more details.


This is yet another repository with rich notes on machine learning and pattern recognition. You’ll also get pattern recognition replicas from this repo. It is free to use and Christopher Bishop updates it regularly. 

Click here for more details.

Deep Learning Drizzle

If you don’t like reading notes, you can opt for past lectures. And this is what deep learning drizzle affords you. You get to learn more about Computer Vision, Machine Learning, and more.

 Click here for more details.

Tsetlin Machine

This project has datasets and code for Tsetlin Machine so you can use it seamlessly. Tsetlin Machine is used to solve complex pattern recognition challenges. It uses propositional formulas to do this.

 Click here for more details.

Hastic server

If you want to analyze anomalies and patterns from Grafana, this repository got you sorted. It uses pattern recognition to identify anomalies through Hastic implementation. It is free to use and contribute. 

Click here for more details.

Not So Random

This interesting script will try to guess your next input. It uses pattern recognition to come up with a randomized pattern to guess the next input. 

Click here for more details.


This pyramidal Convolution gives you a different Convolutional Neural Networks angle. It comes with an ImageNet trained model for better results. If you want to improve its accuracy, you can use complex training methods.

 Click here for more details.

Hastic Grafana App

This is yet another repository that enables you to label anomalies and patterns is Grafana. All you need is the hastic-server and Grafana 5.4.0 or higher. Should you want any help, you can contact the CorpGlory team. 

Click here for more details.


Iresnet is based on the “Improved Residual Networks for Image and Video Recognition” paper. The PyTorch implementation is trained on ImageNet. It enables the improvement of the baseline (ResNet) recognition performance. The best part, it does this cost-effectively. 

Click here for more details.

Reid Mgn

This project is based on the research paper “learning Discriminative Features with Multiple Granularities for Person RE-Identification. While offering robust results, it is still undergoing regular updates. Its code is however PyTorch 0.4 and Python 2.7 tested. 

Click here for more details.


If you want an extra fast Computer Vision library, Compv is the perfect choice for you. the open-source library boasts to be 50 times faster than conventional OpenCV. With it, you get smart multithreading and memory access.

 Click here for more details.


This is a Scala-based library. It is used to design and train Artificial Neural Networks. It allows you to do this simply and gradually. And thanks to the easy-to-follow instructions, you’ll find the process a walk in the park. 

Click here for more details.

Colibri Core

This software works on large data sets. With it to extra patterns from such data will be a walk in the park. It uses n-gram, skipgram, and flexgram categories to extract statistics from the patterns. 

Click here for more details.


Logisland is built with Spark and Kafka providing much-needed analytics. It can also work with Kafka Streams and MQTT. It is intended for the complex processing of events thanks to an array of data sources, processors, and sinks. 

Click here for more details.


This predictive power assessment software works with neuroimaging features to offer a straightforward and comprehensive assessment. It compares many features, is compatible with lots of input formats, and plugs into outputs of popular software.

 Click here for more details.


Cogalg is a Computer Vision implementation software. 

Click here for more details.

Forex And Stock Python Pattern Recognizer

If you want to automate the recognition of patterns in stock or Forex, this pattern recognizer is your perfect bet. You can fork or clone and customize or improve on it. 

Click here for more details.

Computer Vision Notebooks

Finally, we have this collection of Python and Computer Vision notebooks.
 Click here for more details.

Final verdict

We hope you can use any of the top 20 Pattern recognition projects on this list to improve your skills. You can contribute to some while others allow you to fork and create unique projects.