The percentage of the adult population that reads has significantly dropped over the past few decades. And there are a variety of reasons for this.

For some, it is the lack of time, whereas, for others, it is the difficulty to lug around the books. And then, of course, there are those who absolutely hate the whole idea of reading. That being said, there are a number of apps designed with the purpose of making reading more comfortable.
So, if you are trying to get back to reading or start the habit, here are some apps that can help you get started.
1. Blinkist
Before we tell you how you can read Tolstoy and Dostoevsky, let us suggest a way to pique your interest in reading. If reading long passages and pages is what stops you, then Blinkist is the perfect app for you.
This software condenses non-fiction books and gives you the synopsis but in bite-sized pieces of information. Blinkist can come in extremely handy when you are busy and saves you time. For instance, if you are a student, you need not read an entire book to write an essay on it. Instead, you can use Blinkist and share your ideas with professional writers at, who can draft and edit the essay for you.
This way, you do not have to feel overwhelmed or find time to complete a book to know what it’s all about. Moreover, since it’s available in the audio version, you can listen to your favorite non-fiction books while doing other tasks such as driving or commuting.
2. Media 365
Media 365 is an app that connects authors to over one million readers. If you are looking to explore books, this app gives you hundreds of books for free. You only have to bear with an occasional advertisement video.
On the other hand, if you are an author, you can self-publish on this platform. For this reason, you will find that there are tons of niche and indie titles on this app. However, you will also find some classic books such as those by Jane Austen, Homer, Scott Fitzgerald, and more.
The app supports books in over 15 different languages and a variety of formats. There is also a speech-to-text function integrated, which means that the app will read the books out for you, although it can feel mechanical.
3. GoodReads
If you have no idea which book to read next, GoodReads is a great app to use. This is the world’s largest book recommendation website. You can use this app to read a synopsis about a book and even find reviews from readers.
Once you sign up, you will also be able to receive book recommendations based on your interest. The algorithm analyzes over 20 million data points to give you book suggestions tailored to your tastes. You can also track books that you are reading and set aside a selection of the titles that you want to read.
4. ReadEra
If you are an avid reader and looking to make reading more comfortable, ReadEra is an interesting choice. This app opens different formats of books, including but not limited to epubs, Mobi, azw3, pdf, MS Word, and fb2.
There are no ads, the navigation is very smooth, and the interface can be customized. You can also choose between different fonts and color tones which will help your reading experience more efficiently.
5. Kindle
While Kindle is the most known alternative for being a pocket-friendly library, you do not need the device to gain access to the app. Amazon has released official apps for iOS, Android, and even Mac and Windows that you can use to purchase and read books.
As a dedicated reading app, Kindle has a few points that set itself apart from the rest. It has a built-in dictionary and even an X-Ray tech that reveals information about a book’s characters while you are reading it.

6. Epic
For those who are trying to get their kids on board with reading, Epic is a brilliant app to check out. It supplies users with a massive library of children’s books in the format of ebooks and audiobooks.
Parents have the option to set up different profiles for each of their children and customize the recommendations based on personal tastes. Epic is available on iOS, Android, and Windows. It also features both classic children’s books, modern releases, as well as comic books.
7. Apple Books
It shouldn’t come as a surprise that Apple Books is an app available only for iOS and Mac users. However, it is worth mentioning that this app has one of the coolest interfaces when it comes to ebook readers. It literally gives you the feel of turning pages when reading. You can also set the tone of the interface, from white, dark, and sepia, and adjust the fonts.
Moreover, you can purchase books directly from this app. You will find a selection of classic and modern books, even those released by YouTube educators, and support for multiple languages. It is also possible to sync the library to include the books you have on your device. It’s not necessary to purchase books via the app itself. You can download it from elsewhere and add it to the app for an enjoyable reading experience.
8. Audible
If reading is not your forte, then you can also try listening to books. Audible is perhaps the most popular app in this category. It has tons of books, available in audio format and dramatized versions. And you will find that a single book is available in different formats read by different people, so you can listen to whose narration you like the best.
Audible requires a subscription from your end. On top of this, you will also have to pay extra in order to buy a few books. And if you have the habit of listening to audiobooks before going to bed, you can also set the sleep timer.
There you go! These apps might just rekindle the habit of reading in you. And nowadays, with the right apps, you can even listen to books while doing other tasks.