Many to Many Relations is one of the eloquent relationships in Laravel. The main factor in many many relations is the to-join table which is called the pivot table.

The pivot table has the ability to perform relations from one model to many models. In this article, you’re going to learn how to implement Many to Many relations in Laravel.

Let’s think of an example. We have two database tables called students and subjects. A student can be enrolled in multiple subjects.

As the same subject can have multiple students. That is called many-to-many relationships. To solve the problem, we’re going to need a pivot table called student_subjects. The diagram is given below-

Many to Many relations in Laravel
Many to Many relations in Laravel

In this student table, we have fields named id and full_name. On the other hand, the subject table has id and subject_name and the Student_subject table takes the student_id and subject_id as foreign keys.

The Student_subject will be used as a pivot table making connections between Student and Subject. Inside the Student model, we can implement the belongsToMany() method to relate the Student with the Subject model.

Student model:

public function subjects(){
    return $this->belongsToMany(Subject::class, 'student_subjects');

In this subjects() function, belongsToMany() defines that a student can have many subjects and pass the pivot table name through the second parameter which is student_subjects.

We can use the same concept for the Subject model. Like this-

Subject model:

public function students(){
    return $this->belongsToMany(Student::class, 'student_subjects');

To access the data, the process is the same for both Student and Subject except for the variable names.

Student_subject table:

Here is our student_subjects table. We have some data for students and subjects where one student has multiple subjects and one subject has multiple students. Now let’s get to the controller for functionality for displaying the data.



public function view(){
    $studentData= Student::find(1);
    $subjects= Subject::orderBy('subject_name', 'asc')->get();
    return view('User.view', compact('studentData', 'subjects'));


public function view(){
    $subjectData= Subject::find(1);
    $students= Student::orderBy('full_name', 'asc')->get();
    return view('User.view', compact('subjectData', 'students'));

Now in the view.blade.php, we can display the enrolled subjects under one student and the enrolled students under one subject.



//View.blade.php for enrolled subjects under one student
<h1>(belongsToMany) relationship</h1>
<div class="container">
    <h2>Student name: {{ $studentData->full_name }}</h2><hr>
    <p><b>Enrolled subects:</b></p>
    @foreach($studentData->subjects as $subject)
	    <p>{{ $subject->subject_name }}</p>

Here, we performed a @foreach loop statement to get results from the subjects() method implemented in the Student model.




//View.blade.php for enrolled students under one subject
<h1>(belongsToMany) relationship</h1>
<div class="container">
    <h2>Subject name: {{ $subjectData->subject_name }}</h2><hr>
    <p><b>Enrolled students:</b></p>
    @foreach($subjectData->students as $student)
	    <p>{{ $student->full_name }}</p>

Again, we performed the @foreach loop statement to get results from students() methods implemented in the Subject model.


Many to Many relations in Laravel

Many-to-many relations are a bit more complicated than hasOne and hasMany relationships. But it is one of the most useful and important relations in eloquent relations of Laravel.

Another real-life example we can think of is products and categories. A category can have many products, and a product can belong to many categories.

So, in this article, you learned the concept of Many to Many relations in Laravel with examples.

It may sound a little bit confusing the first time, but if you follow this example and practice more and more, it’ll become easy. Thank you.